Thursday, December 4, 2008


So last night at work, i kind of fucked up. Actually i fucked up more than once, i feel like i am making more enemies than friends.

I was in a rush to get to work because i was running late, and i totally cut off the bartender pulling into the parking lot. He slammed on his brakes. i was praying he wasn't one of my coworkers but of course he was.

"So did you not even look??" bartender
" (nervous laugh) eh sorry" me
"yeah i almost hit you!!" bartender

handled that well right?

so then i went into work and stood around for a few hours, sitting people periodically but mostly just standing around. Sometimes texting, because other people have their phones out too so i thought it was cool, but now I'm not sure anymore.

Then my friend came in who i haven't seen or talked to in over a year and i was so excited. The place was dead, so i thought it was okay to sit with her and talk for a little bit. It wasn't.

After they left, one of the waitresses came up to me and said, " Next time your friends come in, you can't sit with them. All of us are really mad at you. You know, your new so you have to watch what you do. Just don't do it again"

I was so embarrassed. I felt terrible because i want to fit in there and become friends with these people and i have set the impression that I'm lazy and god knows what else. I didn't get home till ten and i was exhausted but i couldn't fall asleep till midnight!!!! I woke up this morning, ate breakfast and went back to sleep. And yeah, didn't go to school. I have to go to work today too at 430 and I'm absolutely dreading it. I'm just going to stand there and try not to do anything wrong. I won't have my phone out either because since I'm "new" who knows if it pisses them off.

One of my managers completely ignores me too. Asshole.

I'm going to go take a shower, and catch up with all my homework.

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