Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Storm On A Friday Night

So I'm trapped in for the night, and I'm browsing fashion street blogs. I'm on StockholmStreetStyle and look who i find. That's right! My best friend in whoooole world =D

And she's shutting it down (as usual). Love the tights and jacket.

I was supposed to go shopping today but of course there was a snow storm so now i think i have to wait till Tuesday unless i want to go tomorrow but i don't really think i want to since i am going into work at 3. GAY!!!!

I didn't get home till 11 last night so i was a zombie in school today, but three cups of coffee helps. A little.

I just glanced out the window and its still coming down pretty bad. Sigh

Might take a peek in my closet..I've wanted to take some pictures of some outfits and get some input but never got round to it. Guess now is a good chance?

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